What kind of measures against increasingly frequent and advanced attacks ?

A web conference hosted by Sabine GERMAIN, journalist, on october 26th, 13:30-14:30 : watch replay

In the increasingly interconnected world, our information systems and operational technologies rely on complex infrastructures that make them increasingly challenging to control. For cybercriminals, especially ransomware operators, these conditions provide favorable circumstances to target individuals, infrastructures, organization and businesses.

 Jean-Yves Marion, the head of LORIA (Lorraine Laboratory of Computer Science and its Applications – CNRS, Inria, Université de Lorraine) and Bertrand PAILHES, the director of Technology and Innovation at the CNIL (National Data Protection Commission), will elucidate the new threats and our knowledge of the cybercrime ecosystem and its operational methods.

For predicting extortion and cyber harassment methods, analyzing malicious software is a necessary step in detecting cyberattacks and developing solutions.

Jean-Yves MARION will introduce the various approaches of LORIA within the framework of the DigiTrust project, notably relying on the potential of the artificial intelligence analysis. He will point out the operational outcome of his research on the region and the prospect at the national and European level. Bertrand PAILHES will address various legislations against cybercrime and the French and European regulations, in particular, the new Directive on the Cybersecurity of network and Information Systems (NIS2) adopted in 2022 by the European Parliament.